Helaine's work has been featured in the following publications:

BusinessWeek, The New York Times, Forbes, Slate, and Salon

About Helaine Olen

I am a columnist for the Washington Post.  My work on politics, economics, workplace culture and women’s issues has also been published in numerous other print and on-line publications, including The New York TimesThe Wall Street JournalThe AtlanticSalonPacific Standard, and The Los Angeles Times, where I wrote and edited the popular “Money Makeover” feature.

I’m the author of the critically acclaimed book Pound Foolish: Exposing the Dark Side of the Personal Finance Industry, and The Index Card: Why Personal Finance Doesn’t Have to be so Complicated, which I co-wrote with Harold Pollack.

What else? I’m a passionate bibliophile, a fan of 1970s pop music and a lover of rummage sales. I divide my time between Los Angeles and New York City.

Helaine at the Washington Post

Helaine is an opinion writer for the Washington Post’s Opinion section

Read Helaine's commentary

Praise for Helaine’s Books:

“In this gripping account, Helaine Olen pulls out the rug from under the finance industry, and does so in time for at least some of us to find alternative solutions to financial security.” –DOUGLAS RUSHKOFF, author of Life Inc. and Present Shock